Rates Information

Rates notice are distributed annually, ratepayers are encouraged to keep an eye out for their rates notices.

Local Government has a responsibility to provide access to services and infrastructure for the benefit of all members of the community, and rates are a property tax raised to fund these services and to provide and maintain infrastructure.

We have put together a rates information flyer, a handy hub of rates facts and information.

Budget Snapshot

Payment Methods

In Person:

At the Shire of Narembeen, 1 Longhurst Street, Narembeen, Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm

Payment methods: Cash, Cheque, Debit Card, Mastercard, Bankcard and Visa.

By Mail:

Detach the slip on your rate notice and send with your cheque or money order made payable to Shire of Narembeen, 1 Longhurst Street, Narembeen WA 6369

Direct Debit:

Pay from your online bank account into the Shire’s account*.

Bank – Commonwealth
BSB – 066-000
Account No – 17324625

*Please make sure you use the assessment number on your rate notice as the reference number when making rates payments online so that your payment may be identified.

Payment Options

The Shire of Narembeen provides a Rate Instalment Scheme whereby ratepayers have the following payment options:

Pay in full by the due date (including any outstanding arrears) and receive a 2% discount on the current years rates by the due date in full. 

An 5.5% per annum charge plus instalment administration fee is charged if rate payments are made by instalments.

If you are having difficulty with making your rates payment, please contact the Shire of Narembeen on (08) 9064 7308.

The Narembeen Council has adopted a Council Policy – Financial Hardship to assist rate payers affected by significant financial difficulties due to the effects of COVID-19. For more information on the policy and to make an application visit https://www.narembeen.wa.gov.au/the-shire/public-documents/policies.aspx

Rate Penalty for Late Payment

Section 6.51 Local Government Act 1995 – Penalty Interest

Late rate payments will attract a penalty of 8% per annum, calculated daily.

Objections & Appeals

4.1 Objections & Appeals – Rate Book

Section 6.79 of the Local Government Act 1995 provides the grounds on which individual objections and appeals may be instituted as the entries in the rate book regarding ownership or whether the property is rateable. Objections must be lodged WITHIN 42 DAYS after the issue of this notice of the Valuation and Rate.

4.2 Objections & Appeals – Valuations

The Valuation of Land Act Part (IV) sets out the manner of which valuations and appeals may be instituted with regard to valuations. Objections (if any) must be lodged with the Valuer General, 1 Midland Square, Morrison Road, MIDLAND WA 6056 WITHIN 42 DAYS after the issue of the notice of valuation and rate.

NOTE: Section 6.81 of the Local Government Act 1995 provides that rates must be paid, but are subject to adjustment if objection is successful.

Pensioner Rates Rebate/Deferment

Pensioners who meet the requirement are entitled to a rebate or deferment of their current year’s rates. Pensioners or Seniors must be owners of the property on the 1st of July of the rating year and reside upon the property as their normal place of residence. Pensioners that are eligible must be the holder of a Seniors Card, Commonwealth Seniors Card or a Pensioner or State Concession card. When a ratepayer is no longer a pensioner, that pension shall give notice thereof to Council and there upon the registration shall be cancelled.


If payment falls into arrears for a period of three or more years the Council may (a) take the land and let it on lease (b) sell the land (c) have the land vested in the Council (d) have the land reverted back to the crown. Arrears are to be paid as part of the first instalment when opting to pay by instalment, otherwise an instalment option is not available.

Change of Ownership

By virtue of the provisions of Section 9.68 of the Local Government Act, 1995 when a person whether as principal or agent, sells or otherwise disposes of rateable land in the district of the Local Government, the principle or agent shall, within 21 days after the sale or disposal, give to the Local Government written notice of the sale with a plan or description of the land and the name and address of the purchaser.