Campaign Overview
SOCK stands for ‘Save Our Country Kids’ and is a road safety initiative created by the Narembeen CRC.
SOCK week is a week long campaign of education on road safety and the impact poor decision making can have within a small community.
SOCK Week is held annually in the last week of June and facilitates a number of activities and events that are designed to be informative as well as engaging.
Activities held during the week- long event promote several road safety messages such as drink driving, speeding, distractions and fatigue and is aimed at a broad cross-section of the community.
The initiative aims to raise awareness, inform and educate road users as well as promote safe, legal and responsible road use.
It is a significant event for our community which has a strong social media presence with a huge focus on remembering those that we have lost in road accidents in our community.
The Shire of Narembeen and the Narembeen CRC would welcome other communities touched by road accidents in their communities to come on board and implement SOCK Week in their communities.
If your community would like to participate in SOCK Week, you can download resources from this Website to display and share them within your community, using the #SaveOurCountryKids hashtag.
SOCK Logos
SOCK Videos
To view the SOCK Poem video, an important message from the Narembeen children, click here
To view heartfelt personal messages from those who have lost a loved one in the Narembeen Community click here.
SOCK Poem Video 1 (30 seconds)
SOCK Poem Video 2 (30 seconds)
SOCK Documentary Video
SOCK Video - Talking to Our Kids
Other resources
To view other resources please visit SOCK Week 2020 or SOCK Week 2021
For further information or queries please do not hesitate to contact the Narembeen CRC on 9064 7055 or