Public Library
The Narembeen Public Library is centrally located within the Narembeen Community Resource Centre at 2/19 Churchill Street within the Narembeen Community Precinct.
The library has a variety of study and reading areas and diverse collection of books and movies.
Ph: 08 9064 7055
Email: crcmanager@narembeen.wa.gov.au
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm.
The range of materials available to members includes:
- Books for reference or loan on a variety of subjects for young people and adults
- Fiction and non-fiction, junior, young adult and adult
- Large print books
- Videos/DVDs
- Audio cassettes
- Community information
- History books
- Council Minutes, Agendas and Reports
Loss or damage to any library items must be reported immediately. If liable, You will be charged the current replacement cost for any item that is lost or damaged.
Memberships are FREE and available at the Narembeen Community Resource Centre.

Kanopy is HERE!! Kanopy is an online resource for movies. You have to been a member of the Narembeen Public Library to have access to this platform.You are able to watch 4 films per month with your play credits resetting on the 1st of each month.You are required to be online to view a film.
Click here if you would like instructions for downloading Kanopy on your tablet.
Click here if you would like instructions for downloading Kanopy on your computer.

BorrowBox is another FREE online service offering free loan of books, ebooks and audiobooks. New FREE content every week!
The only thing you need is is a NEW Narembeen Library card. Click here to get started.
What is my username? Your user name will be you library card number (without * on each end) for example CL417N0214584D (if your card number does not look like this, please call or email the CRC)
What is my password? Your password is the LAST 4 digits of your library card number for example 584D
You will then be directed to read and agree the terms and conditions of your BorrowBox account and fill in a little more information such as your email address and name. Once this is complete you will be able to read away!! BorrowBox offers a large selection of genres, suited to all. The website will be regularly updated so you will never get bored! Please contact the CRC via phone or email if you have any issues, but please remember we are as new to eResources as you are, so please be patient while we all figure it out together.
Click here for a user guide!
To have access to these platforms, you will need a NEW library card number. If you have had your Narembeen Library membership longer than 6 months, please contact the CRC staff for a new card number. New members should not have any issues with their cards.
We are here to help! Just give us a call if you need help setting up any of the above.
Phone: 9064 7055
Email: crcreception@narembeen.wa.gov.au
**Being a member of the Narembeen Library is FREE**
Inter-Library Loans
If library members would like to borrow an item that we currently do not have in the library, your local library staff can request those items from another library which will arrive within two to three weeks.
Story Time
The Narembeen Library has Story Time every last Friday of the month tailored to 1-5 year old's, but all ages are welcome.
All Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Story Time includes:
- Stories
- Songs
- Arts and Crafts
- Fun Games
To view when the next Story Time Session is happening, click here